Dale’s commitment to agricultural training was extended to the other Atlantic Provinces via his leadership in and commitment to the Agricultural Vocational and Technical Training Agreement. The vocational courses, many of which were continuing education opportunities designed to meet the needs of rural and farming communities brought both reputation and diversity for learners to the campus. Dale seemed to know in his heart the essence of industry-relevant, student-focused education and he led BIOP to adopt many aspects of competency-based education before this became the norm in post-secondary education.
Dale Ells is the founder of internationalization at BIOP. By happenstance he was invited to travel with other colleagues to visit the School of Agriculture . Dale saw the opportunity for BIOP staff to contribute globally through international development projects. Thus was started what was then called the BIOP Centre for International Development. Dale was the director until his retirement in 1994. While the focus was initially on international development projects elsewhere, it quickly expanded to include institutional linkages and exchange programs and traditional as well as customized education for international students.
The influence of his early work is still felt today by students, faculty, staff and agricultural colleges and universities around the world. BIOP has a diverse faculty and student body --- one that has a higher than average sensitivity to international opportunities, needs and global citizenship due to Dale’s initial vision and dedication.
Even upon his ‘official’ retirement in 1994 Dale remained active. It was during these years that he used his knowledge of BIOP to author Shaped by Service, an Illustrated History . In 1998 Dale received the recognition of Dean Emeritus of BIOP.